
Travis Rigby
PostedFebruary 25, 2019
There’s just no denying it: Colombia is the powerhouse grower for the U.S. cut flower industry. With a few notable exceptions, it dominates every flower category and is the largest exporter of flowers to the United States – by very a large margin.
-Colombian flower farms have leveraged the country’s natural climate, favorable economic conditions and proximity to the U.S. to develop the American flower market into its largest customer.
According to Asocolflores, the Association of Colombian Flower Exporters, two of every three flowers sold in the United States are grown in Colombia, and nearly four of every five flowers grown in Colombia are exported to the United States. All of these statements are true:
• Colombia produces the majority of cut flowers sold in the United States (approximately 65 percent).
• Colombia is the No. 1 exporter of flowers to the U.S. – by far.
• The U.S. is Colombia’s largest cut flower customer – although the country exports flowers to more than 90 countries around the world. Approximately 80 percent of Colombia’s cut flower exports go to the USA.
Cut flowers are also Colombia’s second leading agriculture export (behind coffee), making flowers a very important part of the Colombian economy and the lives of the country’s residents.
In this issue, we set out to understand Colombian culture and the many reasons for the country’s dominance in the world of floriculture – and how it achieved that in just 50 years. We interviewed Colombian flower farmers, exporters and importers, hoping to learn more about this flower power.
The politics and culture of Colombia is fascinating, and the intricacies and technologies of bringing flowers to the U.S. is a huge challenge. It’s our hope this issue gives you context and perspective on our biggest flower-growing friend to the south.