It’s a New Year!

Travis Rigby
PostedJanuary 1, 2019
Whether you look at all of this through rose-colored glasses or with a pessimistic sideways glance, change always brings opportunities. Markets shift, ideas change, and through it all, we continue on. As Albert Einstein once quipped, “It’s best to learn from the past and live for the moment.”
In this issue, we ask our industry experts to predict some of the coming challenges and anticipated opportunities. Some of the results were surprising, some exciting, and some, well, less than encouraging.
To get adequately briefed about the year ahead, be sure to read Stan Pohmer’s annual “State of the Industry” article (Page 18); Alena Maschke’s interview with industry leaders about challenges facing the industry; and Debra Prinzing’s floral forecast (Page 26).
Despite the naysayers, all of the best opportunities arise in times of change. So don’t be distressed by the storm clouds on the horizon; think of the opportunities that lie on the other side. From my perspective, it’s an exciting time to be in the floral industry!