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When it comes to cut flower trends, brides and stylists want a natural feel, but nothing messy. Subscribe Vibrant colors and natural feels are a hit in this year’s bridal bouquets, along with the unexpected desire for dried botanicals. Go ahead, immerse yourself in nature! If you follow cut flower trends, that’s the word on the street for 2020. A focus on a more natural feel and eclectic mix of materials could make it easier for you to get back to your natural roots and boost your floral product offerings this year. Go boho? As an avid lover of cut flowers, I’m always keen to keep an eye on floral trends and how they inform or are influenced by other horticulture industry trends. If I had to label all the different trends and styles I’m seeing emerge this year, it would be refined bohemian. Brides and cut flower stylists are looking to create a more natural feel with their creations, but they aren’t looking for anything messy. Sophistication is in, but with a soft edge. Mix it up The most exciting thing I’m seeing in floral design and events is that live plants, cut foliage, fresh flowers and dried materials are all being mixed to create unusual and beautiful arrangements. And that’s apparently exactly what consumers are looking for right now: something different. DRIED FLOWERS PHOTO: © vikakurylo81 | Adobe Stock Natural vibes If you look at the Flower Trends Forecast Floral + Design Trend Book for 2020, you’ll find this common thread ties all their trend themes together. Two themes that stand out to me are called “A New Leaf” and “Posh + Polished.” The former creates a style immersed in nature where cut flowers are mixed with plant materials, cut foliage and dried botanicals. The latter blends unexpected materials such as painted tropical foliage and brown dyed flowers. According to Jill Mullaney, owner of Platinum Petals — and my accounts manager here at Halleck Horticultural — these are BIG trends among her Millennial and younger brides. Mullaney states that her brides want more and more tropical foliage, […]