Stats Facts

Managing and Selling to Gen Y
In 2019, according to Pew Research Center, the youngest millennial is 22, and the oldest is 38. These folks are simultaneously becoming the most important consumer group and taking over the workforce, which is presenting challenges for businesses, as both marketers...
Industry Behemoths
The retail dollar volume of cut-flower imports into the U.S. for the first four months on this year (January-April 2019); totaled $584.76 million; that’s an increase of 10.5 percent over the same period in 2018. For all of 2018, U.S. cut-flower imports totaled $1.1...
Multgenerational Company Maintains Family History While Keeping Pace With The Transportation Needs Of The Floral Industry. Multgenerational Company Maintains Family History While Keeping Pace With The Transportation Needs Of The Floral Industry. Multgenerational...
Automation is Upon Us
Say goodbye to mundane, repetitive tasks in the workplace: Automation is taking off. Businesses are tapping into automation to reduce or eliminate the more “robotic” tasks (an interesting play on words!) and to get their workers’ creative juices flowing. Automation...