
Generation Next
It is true that, as humans, we are all fundamentally the same: We all want love and happiness. However, each generation confronts finding those basic human needs in very different social and economic climates. Those climates shape each generation in unique and...
The Journey of a Thousand Miles …
In an attempt to describe the farm-to-consumer journey of flowers, take the quote “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” by early Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu, and change the word “step” to “stem.” Even though this isn’t a completely accurate...
Science and Technology
In times past, scientists who theorized about a future influenced by technology were often considered rogue in their thinking. However, in today’s society, it’s hard to deny the increasing presence of science and technology in our daily lives. Recent statistics...
There’s just no denying it: Colombia is the powerhouse grower for the U.S. cut flower industry. With a few notable exceptions, it dominates every flower category and is the largest exporter of flowers to the United States – by very a large margin. “How this...