Theme Story

A “Botanical Story” for Gen Y and Z
Millennials and post-millennials (Generations Y and Z, respectively) sure do love their potted plants. Just take one scroll through an Instagram feed, and you’ll find multiple interiorscaping accounts and posts. But do not be deceived by the thought of interiorscaping...
Bridging the New Generation Gap
The good news is that Americans are living and working longer. The bad news is that Americans are living and working longer. What seems to be a clear-cut contradiction could lead to internal strife as multiple generations with different aspirations and goals are...
Understanding “Gen Next” Consumers
There are currently an estimated 83.5 million people between the ages of 22 and 38 in the U.S. – approximately 25 percent of the U.S. population. Known as the millennial generation or Generation Y, this trillion-dollar demographic will soon hold the majority share of...
MIAMI’S Gateway Reputation Continues To Grow In Floral
As increased cut-flower shipments arrive daily at Miami International Airport (MIA), the airport continues to strengthen its established reputation as the premier floral gateway in the U.S. for flowers exported worldwide. Cut flowers represent MIA’s top import...